Lord, give me the tongue of fire to renounce and denounce very negative
words pronounced against me, in Jesus name
O God, make my voice louder than the voice of my enemies in Jesus’ name.
1. Every voice of stranger in any area of my life, hear the voice of the Lord,
Die! In the name of Jesus
2. Every satanic voice speaking against me be silenced by the blood of Jesus, in the name of Jesus
3. Every evil voice rising up against my life, be silenced by fire, in the name of Jesus.
4. Any power calling my head before evil mirrors, die with your mirror, in the name of Jesus
5. Every agenda of wicked voices for my life, scatter by thunder, in the name of Jesus.
6. Every voice of stranger in any area of my life, hear the voice of the Lord, depart and come no more, in the name of Jesus.
7. Every evil word spoken against my destiny by evil tongues, expire by the blood of Jesus, in the name of Jesus
8. Every evil voice speaking against me, be silenced by the blood of Jesus. 9. Every word spoken against me under satanic anointing fall to the ground and die, in the name of Jesus.
10. Voices from the grave speaking against my destiny, in the name of Jesus, shut up by fire.
11. Every satanic voice crying against me from any satanic altar, be silent by the blood of Jesus, in the name of Jesus
12. Any satanic voice of affliction, I am not your candidate, I reject you by fire, in the name of Jesus.
13. Every satanic word spoken against my life, by the blood of Jesus you shall not prosper, in the name of Jesus.
14. Voice from the graveyard, backfire, in the name of Jesus.
15. Every mouth of evil speaking against me, hear the word of the Lord!
You are a lair; Shut up, in the name of Jesus
16. I break and nullify all curses against me made by evil tongues in the
air, on the earth, under the earth , in the waters above or underneath in
the name of Jesus
17. Voice of sickness, die! In the name of Jesus
18. Every satanic voice ordained to terminate my joy and gladness, be silenced, in the name of Jesus
19. Every mouth of darkness speaking against me, hear the word of the
Lord! You are lair; Shut up in the name of Jesus
20. Evil mouth vomiting curse upon my life, close by fire, in the name of Jesus
21. Every ungodly mouth that is laboring to empty my life, close by fire, in the name of Jesus
22. Every dead person that dropped evil words against me before going to the grave, I bury your evil words with you, in the name of Jesus
23. Every mouth of the wicked that is praying wicked prayer against me in
the day or night, close by fire, in the name of Jesus
24. Divine restoration, arise and locate me in the name of Jesus
My Father, let Your power deliver me from anywhere they are calling
my names for evil. My destiny shall not obey their satanic verdicts, in the
name of Jesus.
I command you evil voice of sorrow, death, failure to depart from me
now, in the name of Jesus.