This is the week we are entering into a new month, I pray that goodness and mercy shall follow you into the new month and beyond. I decree and declare into your life that the Lord will make your way successful, fruitful and prosperous. Isaiah 45:2 says, “I will go before you and make the crooked way straight, break in pieces the gates of bronze and cut the bars of iron”. By divine authority today, heavens shall rain down from above, divine blessings, unspeakable joy, unlimited breakthroughs, everlasting independence and divine health on you and your loved ones, in the mighty Name of Jesus. God’s guarding angels will be on the guard to protect you and your family from any agent of darkness. The Lord will restore favor to your family. He will revive you and show you mercy in all your endeavors.
2022 is your Year of Perfection
Have a blessed week. Stay safe