Our H
eavenly Father will be merciful unto you as you step out this week. Every unprofitable labor in your life is uprooted. God will make your way successful, fruitful and prosperous. You shall not wither at the peak of your shinning but you will continue to glitter in the beauty of the Lord. You shall not fade away when your beauty begins to attract attention but will keep shinning to draw more people to the glory of God. You shall grow and shine like the stars and nothing shall cover your shinning. The four corners of the earth will release your blessings unto you. God’s guiding angels will be on guard to protect you and your family from any agent of darkness. The wicked shall not wither you away when your life begins to have meaning. Unstoppable joy and peace of mind will be your portion in Jesus Mighty Name.
Have a blessed and fruitful week. Stay safe
2022 is Your Year of Perfection.