As you step into this week, I pray, you will not walk into the trap of your enemies. The Holy Spirit will be your guide, the Grace of God Almighty will be sufficient for you. May the Holy Ghost order your step and bring you to your place of unquestionable success and victory this week. Aborters of success and victory shall not encounter you. May God arise and Fight and overthrow every giant assigned to spoil your joy and testimony this week.
l pray that, never like before, the Grace of our Heavenly Father that makes the day to break with ease will make you break new grounds with ease beyond your imagination. From today, the power of God will bring you endless joy and peace. Every power assigned to cripple and stagnate your progress this week shall be buried. Every power that has vowed to make you an observer in the place of celebration this week, shall be disgraced, in the Mighty Name of Jesus.
2022 is your year of perfection!
Have a blessed week. Stay safe